Speaker Spotlight
Dr. Katie Gold, Cornell
Our new podcast this week happens to feature another awesome speaker and expert that is a part of our online program for the Sustainable Ag Expo this year!
Dr. Katie Gold’s Grape Sensing, Pathology, and Extension Lab at Cornell (GrapeSPEC) studies the fundamental and applied science of plant disease and plant-microbe interaction sensing to improve integrated grape disease management.
to episode 199: NASA Satellites Detect Grapevine Diseases from Space.
Plants by nature are designed to interact with light. Satellites can measure the light reflected by plants to detect grapevine diseases before they are visible to the human eye. In this episode, Dr. Katie Gold discusses remote disease detection with imaging spectroscopy, also known as hyperspectral imaging.
Imaging spectroscopy was developed by NASA to tell us what Mars was made out of. By turning satellites back on Earth, Dr. Gold and a team of scientists are learning how to use the light reflected back to manage grapevine viral and foliar diseases. Tune in to hear her number one piece of advice on the importance of data management.
Don't miss her ONLINE EXPO COURSE:
Making Sense of Sensors: The Future of Vineyard Disease Detection.
This course details the important characteristics of common light sensors and how they can be used in vineyard disease management as an IPM strategy.